How to Link Ration Card with Aadhaar Card

link Ration Card with Aadhaar Card
link Ration Card with Aadhaar Card

Earlier ration cards were issued to all households, by which the household was issued grains and other food items known as ration and fuel at a subsidized rate. It also served as a proof of identity and a proof of address before the commencement of other documents like passport and PAN card. Even today the use of ration card is continued, as a proof of address while applying for any government service like applying a PAN card. Although there were some cases of fraud wherein an individual availed more than their own share of ration or receive the ration at a subsidized rate even when they were not suitable and eligible for it, which would withhold eligible people from obtaining their share of ration.

To restrain this situation of fraud, the government has decided to make it compulsory to link ration card with Aadhar card. The Aadhar card is an individualized identification method, where a unique identification number is issued to a person which holds their demographic and biometric information refraining any kind of fraud. An individual’s financial transactions are also linked when their PAN card linked to Aadhar card.

Reasons to Link Ration Card with Aadhar card:

The government is able to eliminate all the fraud cases of issuing counterfeit ration cards by linking an individual’s ration card with their Aadhar card and ensure that one person does not possess more than a single ration card. It will also not allow any ineligible individuals whose income is above the ration threshold of claiming region to avail any benefits of ration, making sure only the eligible individuals attain the subsidized rate ration and fuel. The process to link ration card with Aadhar card can be done online as well as offline.

Online Process to Link Ration Card with Aadhar Card:

If you want to link your ration card with your Aadhar card online, given below are the steps to be followed:

  • Visit the Aadhar official website and click “Start Now”.
  • Enter your address, including your district/city and state.
  • Select the benefit “Ration Card” from the given options.
  • Enter your Ration card number, Aadhar number, Email Address and mobile number.
  • The One Time Password or OTP will be received in the form of a text message on your mobile number.
  • Enter the OTP correctly.
  • A notification will be displayed on the screen informing the successful acceptation of your application.
  • The application will be processed and upon successful verification, you would receive a notification letting you know that your Aadhar card has been linked to your ration card.

Offline Process to Link Ration Card with Aadhaar:

In case you want to link your ration card with your Aadhar card offline, follow the steps given below:

  • Capture photographs of Aadhar cards of your family members along with a photocopy of ration card.
  • In case you have not linked your bank account with your Aadhar card, get the photocopy of your bank passbook.
  • Take a passport size photograph of the head of the family.
  • Submit these documents to the ration office.
  • When your documents will reach the appropriate department, you will be informed via a text message or an email.
  • Your documents will be processed by the authorities and you will receive a notification when your ration card will be successfully linked with your Aadhar card.

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