India is the second most populated country in the world after China and it is a world’s largest democratic country as well. The government here is selected by the people through the election process that happened after every five years. According to recent research, it is found that government of India is top 3 most trusted government in the world. Selection of government is not a matter of seconds it requires lots of planning, strategies, and management. Days have gone when people register their choice of vote by writing candidate’s name of the paper. Now a day with the digitalization, the process of voting has been transformed as well, with which manual process has been converted into Digital where Indian citizen registers their votes in the digital machines that work online. As we all are aware of the electoral fraud that happened at the time of voting where parties try to jumbled up People votes to win the elections. So, to structure the procedure of elections and make it more secure from the electoral fraud Election Commission of India has proposed voter ID card.
Voter ID card is a physical paper ID card of an individual who is eligible for the voting. It is also known as EPIC which is an abbreviation of Electors Photo Identity Card issued by Election Commission of India. Voter ID is an identification card of Indian voters through which one can cast their vote. This card contains the information of people with Name, address, photo and unique ID number. Voter ID can also be used as photo identification card in order to use any authenticated services or products. At the time of elections, every individual has to carry this Voter ID with them.
How to apply for Voter ID Card?

If you are now 18 years old or due to shifting from AC, want to apply for voter ID then you can follow below-mentioned methods which include Online, offline and semi online methods to apply for voter ID.
Steps to apply for voter id card online
Nowadays people usually don’t get time to visit election office and fill the details so, with online voter ID card application method people can easily apply for voter ID by following below-mentioned procedure
- To apply for voter ID online first you have to visit official portal of election commission of India i.e. National Voters Service Portal (http://www.nvsp.in/)
- After visiting the portal you will see “Apply online for registration of new voter/due to shifting from AC” section on the front page with a “Click here” button. Click on the button.
- After clicking on “Click Here” button you will be redirected to another page of the website where you will see Form 6 divided into sections, where you have to fill all required details. (Points written here in both Hindi and English language) Fields that have a * sign in red color are compulsory rest are optional. Along with filing all details, you have to attach soft copies documents like Photograph, age Proof, and address proof.
- After filing all voter ID details you have to click on Submit button. In case you want to change entire details you can click on “reset” button and restart from the top of the form.
- After filling all the details, uploading documents and clicking on the Submit button you will receive a reference number with which you can check your voter ID card status.
Steps to apply for voter id card offline
If you find difficult to apply for voter ID online then you can go with the traditional method by following below mentioned simple steps you can get offline voter ID. Both Voter ID application online and offline methods are similar
- To apply for offline voter ID you have to visit your near by state election office where to have to turn to voter ID registration department and request Form 6.
- Now you have to fill all the asked details in the form and attach hard copies of all documents that contain address proof, age proof, and photo and Submit filled form to an officer.
- The form will go through verification methods and you will be issued with voter ID after the completion of specified period of time.
Steps to apply for voter ID card Semi- Online
As the name suggest its a mixture of both Offline and online voter ID application methods you can follow below-mentioned steps to apply for voter ID with Semi-online method
- First, you need to visit official website of national election commission from where you can download Voter ID application form i.e. form 6
- Now fill all details in the hard copy of the form and attachment asked documents and photo with the form.
- Now you have to submit the form and documents to state election office either you can visit the official in person or can also post the form and documents by the post.
Required Documents for Voter ID application
While applying for Voter ID you have to attach and submit photocopies of documents. List of documents required for voter ID application find below
- Address Proof
- Age Proof
- Photograph
Eligibility Criteria mandatory for Voter ID application
To apply for Voter ID, applicant must meet the below-defined eligibility criteria –
- First and foremost eligibility criteria for a voter ID applicant is, they must be 18 or more in age
- Applicant who is financially bankrupt or come under any specified special category could not apply for voter ID
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