Janani Suraksha Yojana also known as JSY is scheme working under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), it is introduced to modify the scheme which already exist under the National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS). Where, National Maternity Benefit Scheme is for better diet of pregnant women, cash assistance during the pregnancy period and care during the delivery of a baby. Contrasting from NMBS, Janani Suraksha Yojana is 100 percent sponsored scheme for the needy pregnant women of age 19 or above and below poverty line pregnant women.

Vision of Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY)
-Reducing an overall infant mortality rate & maternal mortality rate.
-And to increase deliveries of Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
Targeted Groups in JSY
-Women who belongs to Below Poverty Line families
-Female who are of 19 yrs or above 19 years
Strategy of Janani Suraksha Yojna
-The priority is to achieve the vision of Janani Suraksha Yojna.
This would follow accordingly-
–Registration: Timely registration of the person with the help of health workers of village i.e. Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) or equal functioning worker.
-Identification of critical cases: Proper care shall be provided as well as visiting after the delivery of newborn.
-Providing proper transports for pregnant women in case of any pain.
-Transportation to the pregnant women need to be provided so that they don’t face difficulties while labor.
-Giving a proper amount of cash to the mother or to Accredited
Social Health Activist (ASHA) or an equal level of working institution
– Partnership with the private hospitals and other care taking institution so when in emergency mother is admitted on time with any delay which causes difficult in delivery.
- States/UTs is distributed into two types
a)Low Performing States
b)High Performing States
Ten states (Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Orissa, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir.) from which Assam and Jammu & Kashmir are classified as Lower Performing States and rest as High Performing States.
- Cash assistance link with Institutional Delivery: The mother of child is encouraged to register themselves to such institutions where antenatal checkups, neo-natal care and post-natal care are provided such as nearby anganwadi/sub centers which primary health care centers to leverage the scheme benefits.
- Cash assistance in ranked scale: One of the most accepted strategies for decreasing the maternal mortality rate is to encourage deliveries at health care institutions by expert doctors and skilled nurses.
- Payment to workers: Accredited social health activists or other equal working societies working for assistance of a pregnant female like the worker (Dai) shall be paid. In urban towns such workers are paid with motive in same way they should be paid in Lower Performing States.
– The amount paid per delivery case to worker should be ensured that its not less than 200 Rs.
- Payment through cash activities: As the scheme is for poor women, cash assistance provided to them is made available with a short period of time.
To fasten the process, the paying authorities disburse an amount of 5000 Rs to each health care worker or ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) working for the mother.
- Partnership with the private sectors:
There is no adequate facilities available in public sector so, it is needed that partnership with private sector is also need, however whenever and critical case of Janani Suraksha Yojana beneficiary comes in of delivery.
- Condition for administrative expenses:
Seven percent of the fund released to state, may be utilized towards administrative expenses for keeping a check on office expenses for execution of Janani Suraksha Yojna.
Each village which has at least population of 1000 or above is expected to have a Accredited Social Health Activist or equal working community with sub-center and the Primary Health Centers. The heath care communities are needed to be worked under the management of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife. Under Janani Suraksha Yojna(JSY), there role is:
-To manage and organize services for delivery care for an expected mother.
-To organize immunization for new born baby.
-To act as a motivator for a family planning services.
Cash Payment
To the expected mother:
The payment is to be made in one installment, the responsibility of all the payment is made by Auxiliary Nurse Midwife or Accredited social health activists. From sterilization whenever applicable, to the discharge of the beneficiary, all in taken under the responsibility of the institutions
Health Care community
The payment should be made in advance for the worker and the hospital that is providing the services. And the amount which is left shall be forwarded to the beneficiary for the after need of delivery like child vaccine and etc.
The state government is required to set a plan in a proper format so that the transparency remains and there are no unexpected delays in the process.
Delay Cause
Delayed cause made by Medical officer of Primary Health Centers and Auxiliary nurse midwife, are need to be recorded with the name of Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) beneficiary in the register so that action towards any unreasonable delay can be taken.
Names of Janani Suraksha Yojana beneficiaries shall be displayed
The names of JSY beneficiaries with the date of payment done to them should be displayed on the board of Primary Health Centers, local office etc on month to month basis.
Below Poverty Line Certification
- Below Poverty Line cards shall be used as the identification of the beneficiary.
- If Below Poverty Line cards are not issued then government shall provide with some certification to differentiate the criterion of the person.
- Accredited social health activists or other equivalent health worker needs to facilitate such certification before the time, so that non-availability of such card for the identification of Below Poverty Line do not create obstacle in execution of Janani Suraksha Yojana
(Families of rag picker, vendors of village haats ,pavement dwellers and urban slum are also eligible for these certification)
A Micro-birth Plan for each Recipient
Following set of plan is needed for each beneficiary to have a proper implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana.

Complicated cases which need delivery section
The Accredited social health activists and Auxiliary Nurse Midwife or an equivalent working community shall take following measures:
- Inform the health care center and instruct the pregnant women about the health care centers within her reach and when kind of difficulty arises.
- Health care communities to keep the record of each beneficiary in their record system.
- Transport facilities needed to be arranged under the scheme Janani Suraksha Yojana by the health care centers or ASHA to avoid the complication at the end.
- If essential, pregnant women shall be displaced to health center in
Advance along with the accredited social health activists.
Role of Accredited social health activists and other health care worker for Janani Suraksha Yojana.
-Identification of pregnant women for the janani suraksha yojna.
-Giving the information to ANM to take the pregnant woman under the health care center.
-Help the beneficiary to make a below poverty line card for her convenience.
-Support beneficiaries to have minimum 3 ANC.
-With the help of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and Primary Health Centres, according to the date of delivery prior to it approximately seven months before place of delivery need to be fixed.
-Support in having Tetanus vaccine injection.
-In case of beneficiary is in labor or complicated phase, she needs to be taken to the proper health care center and be there till the delivery gets complete and she gets discharged from the hospital under the Janani Suraksha Yojna.
-Arrangement to vaccine of newborn till him/her is 10 weeks of age.
-Registration of mortality of mother or child or both.
-Taking care of mother after the delivery, so that she does not face any alterations in her health.
-Making sure the breastfeeding, done to newborn, since birth till three to six months.
Implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana
- At national level Minister of Health and Family Welfare shall take care of the implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojna.
- At State Level-State Health Mission shall take care of the scheme implemented as planned.
- At District level District Health Mission shall take the responsibility of the implementation of JSY.
Grant and Audit Accomplishment
First Installment shall be accomplished on ad-hoc basis for the beneficiaries under the Janani Surksha Yojna.
Second Installment shall be released to the all Uts and States.
Evaluation and Monetizing
A compulsory meeting needed to be held on third Friday of every month so as to analyze and per-determine the actions of future requirements, to be corrected for making the Janani Surksha Yojana work seamlessly.
How to Apply for Janani Suraksha Yojna
There are two ways to apply for Janani Surksha Yojna- Online and Offline, it is to make feasible for every women to fill by itself, steps are as follows:
Online Application:
- Janani Suraksha Yojna form is available in English/Hindi/Gujarati languages. The beneficiary of the concern person can fill it in preferred language.
- Click on Apply Online button on the official website to fill it online or you can download Janani Surksha Yojna form to fill it offline.
- Other then general detail, service or occupational details are also asked in the application.
- Fields which are marked as * are all compulsory field (without which application cannot get submitted).
- In any case of illegal information, the Department Authorities can reject the application.
- By filling up the application, you are liable that the details filled in e-form are correct and authentic.
- After filling the e-form you will get a service request number which will be helpful to check the status of you request in future. And for more assistance you can surely contact the Department Authorities on their number.
Steps Filling Online Application:
- First and for most, you should visit the official website of Janani Suraksha Yojna and read its instructions properly.
- Next is make sure you have all the required documents with you to fill up the application like signature,photograph,birth certificate, educational and other certificates in a mannered format.
- Now fill up the application form properly and preview it before submitting it so that you are sure that you made no mistakes.
- Make a proper payment without any huddle as mentioned in instruction sheet by Bank Challan Form or Credit /Debit or Demand Draft.
- If you are making payment through Bank challan make sure you take a copy of its print out.
- If making payment through Demand Draft then mentions details of the DD in online application form of Janani Surksha Yojna.
- If you are making payment through net banking or debit/credit, then take the e-receipt of the same generated by the system.
- Upload the scan copy of required documents mentioned in janani surksha yojna instruction manual.
- Be sure of previewing the application form before submitting it.
- If all the fields are filled properly and there is no error, click on submit button.
- Take the Print out of confirmation page, you might need it to submit it along with your documents.
Offline Application:
In case of offline form, when you click on download you will receive a zip file, you have to unzip it and fill the details in html with accurate and authentic information for the service of Janani Suraksha Yojna.
In an offline form, you will be provided with the offline key which is needed to capture the details and modify it later in process.
Offline forms are also submitted through INTERNET, if all the validation passes then the process gets on to the next step, where you have to enter you user id and password.
Offline form can be submitted via firefox.
If the language selected is English then the details are also required to be filled in English but if selected language is Hindi or Gujrati the input by keyboard are required to be in Hindi or Gujarati only.
Document required for Janani Surksha Yojna Application
- Certificate of any other Yojna from which you are benefited.
- Permanent Address proof.
- Identity Proof
- Age Poof
- Attested Copy of Income Certificate of yours and your parents.
The Janani Surksha Yojna is given broad publicity by national society, state society and district society with the support of effective and efficient mediums. The available funds like administrative expenses can be used for the purpose of scheme. And in case of any disputes, the final view of Government of India is considered.
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