Aadhar Card is a unique identification method for Indian citizens. It is rising in terms of importance and has become a necessity in some cases to avail certain benefits and services,obtaining subsidy in LPG is one of them and is related to mundane life of majority of citizens in India, and if a citizen wants to gain the amount of LPG subsidy, the Government of India has made it mandatory for banks to link their customer’s accounts with their LPG connections. There are various methods to link a LPG Connection with Aadhar Card that includes the online method, offline method, IVRS method and SMS method.
Link Bank Account with Aadhar Card for LPG Subsidy
As understated, the LPG Cylinder or LPG Connection is one of the basic necessities of daily mundane life. Although this is the scenario in most of the towns and cities, even today a number of households in rural and tribal areas still use the traditional and conventional method known as “Chulha” to cook their food, which is very harmful to their health as it exposes a lot of heat. To introduce such households with the use of LPG cylinder to eliminate their health risks, the government of India has announced a scheme in which the citizens who can easily afford the full price of a LPG Cylinder give up their subsidy, and the amount will be used to provide the less fortunate with a LPG connection.
Citizens who go for the LPG subsidy will be benefited under the special scheme named as “PAHAL” where they will directly receive the LPG Subsidy amount is their bank account. To make this happen, beneficiaries must make sure that your bank account is linked with Aadhar card, which can be easily done online or offline. The offline method requires the citizen to visit their bank and fill out the appropriate forms to complete this process of linking, while for the online process, the citizen needs to link their bank account with Aadhar card through internet banking.
Checking the Credit of LPG Subsidy Amount in your Bank Account
In case you want to see the amount of LPG Subsidy credited to your account after you have linked your bank account with Aadhar card, follow the given below steps:
- An amount of permanent advance will be deposited to the bank account after registering for subsidy. This is a one-time payment and no other similar deposits shall be made in future.
- Citizens are issued a specified number of subsidized LPG cylinders in one year. After booking one cylinder, the market price for the cylinder shall be paid.
- The difference between the market rate and subsidized rate which is the subsidized amount will then be credited into the bank account.
- The amount of permanent advance will be adjusted against any dues if a citizen opts out of the scheme or decides to terminate their LPG connection.
Although it is not compulsory yet to link bank account with Aadhar card to obtain subsidy, it is surely advised to make the process simplified and prevent any intricacies and complicacies and assures that the consumers aren’t oppressed for any added costs.
Procedure to link LPG Connection with Aadhar Card (HP, Bharat or Indane)
To link LPG Connection with Aadhar Card by submitting application to the distributor:
- Download the form number 2 from http://www.lpgsubsidy.in/download-lpg-subsidy-forms/
- Take a print out of the form and fill in the correct information.
- Visit the LPG distributor nearby to your location and submit the filled out application form.
- The application form could also be dropped in the drop box at the LPG distributor’s office.
To link LPG Connection with Aadhar Card by call center:
You can link your LPG Connection with Aadhar card easily by calling at the call center on 18000-2333-555 and following the instructions mentioned by the operator.
To link LPG Connection with Aadhar Card by Post:
You could also link your LPG connection with Aadhar card through postal services, you need to download the form number 2 from http://www.lpgsubsidy.in/download-lpg-subsidy-forms/ and fill it with correct information before sendit with the appropriate enclosures to the address given on the form.
To link LPG Connection with Aadhar Card through IVRS method:
The Interactive Voice Response System or IVRS is set up by every LPG Company to provide the customers with assistance to link their LPG connection with Aadhar card. Every district has a dedicated IVRS and customers can obtain the number for their particular area from the list provided by their LPG Company.
Linking by IVRS for Indane Customers:
To link LPG Connection with Aadhar card for Indane Customers, it is as simple as visiting http://indane.co.in/sms_ivrs.php and finding out the district number prior to calling the number and following the instructions aforementioned by the operator 8000-2333-555 mnnl
Linking by IVRS for Bharat Gas Customers:
The customers of Bharat Gas can link their LPG Connection with Aadhar card by visiting www.ebharatgas.com/pages/customer_care/CC_IVRSInfo.html and scroll down below until you find the IVRS number for your state, and follow the instructions to complete the process.
Linking by IVRS for HP Gas Customers:
The HP Gas customers can link their LPG Connection with Aadhar card by visiting www.hindustanpetroleum.com/hpanytime and finding the IVRS number for your state and then dial number and follow the instructions mentioned by the operator to complete the process.
To link LPG Connection with Aadhar card by SMS:
It is now possible for customers to link their LPG Connection with Aadhar card by sending a text message or SMS. It is necessary to register your mobile number with your LPG Distributor and then you may send a text message or SMS from that number.
To Link LPG Connection with Aadhar Card Online:
In case you do not want to go with any of the methods given above, you may go for the online process by following these steps:
- Visit https://rasf.uidai.gov.in/seeding/User/ResidentSelfSeedingpds.aspx and fill in the details.
- Select the benefit type (LPG in this case) and scheme name IOCL for Indane, BPCL for Bharat Gas and HPCL for HP Gas.
- Select the distributor name and enter your LPG customer number.
- Enter your mobile number, email address, and Aadhar number.
- Click on “Submit” tab.
- You will receive an OTP that you shall enter to complete the process.
After your online application has been successfully accepted, your information will be verified, and upon successful execution of the process you will receive a notification on your mobile number and email address.
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