Now you can’t die without having Aadhar Card, as now home ministry also mandated Aadhar card. Yes, it happened on last Friday home ministry announced that it is required to have aadhar card to get person’s death certificate from 1st of October 2017. If you are an Indian you must have your 12 digits unique identification number this is how our Indian government working nowadays. This is the first time when home ministry mandated aadhar card for one of its department.

From 1st of oct, you have to show dead person’s aadhar card and his/her spouse and parent’s aadhar card will also compulsorily needed to get the proof of death. This rule will come into action in Indian from 1st Oct except some parts of the country that include areas Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and Meghalaya.
“An applicant who is not aware of the Aadhaar number of Enrolment ID Number of the deceased will be required to provide a certificate that the deceased person does not possess Aadhaar number to the best of his/her knowledge,” the order by the Registrar General, who functions under the home ministry, said. On Friday.
This decision has been taken for the assurance of the details of the dead person provided by their relatives at the time of issuing the death certificate. To avoid any type of mistake or scandal that can happen due to availabilities of fake information.
So, if you or any of your family person not having aadhar card yet then this is the best time to aadhar card download online and apply for aadhar card offline before 1st of October otherwise you can be stuck in a big trouble.
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