Aadhar Card Rejected – Re-Apply for Aadhar Card

Re apply for aadhar card
Re apply for aadhar card

It may happen that your application for an Aadhar card might be rejected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) due to certain disparities in the form and documents. If your application is rejected, you will receive a letter from UIDAI to your address through post illustrating the further steps to be taken.

Causes of your Aadhaar Card Rejection:

The reasons your application might be rejected by the UIDAI can be any of the following:

  • Improper information in the form.
  • Absence of supporting documents.
  • Default in recording of the biometric data (fingerprints and Iris scan).
  • Unsuccessful verification of the supporting documents.

It might also occur that your application gets rejected if the UID database has an enrollment present with your demographic or biometric data. To apply for the Aadhar card again, you will need to follow the same procedure as when applying for a new Aadhar card.

Reapplication for Aadhar Card:

Under following circumstances you can re-apply for an Aadhar card again:

  • If your Aadhar application gets rejected.
  • If your application for Aadhar is not found.
  • If your Aadhar application isn’t processed due to technical reasons.

Note- The process to apply as well as reapply for an Aadhar card is the same.

The main steps to carry out the procedure are given below:

  1. Get the enrollment form for Aadhar, there are two ways to do so, either you can download the form online from the official website of UIDAI, or you could visit the local Aadhar canter.
  2. Fill out the enrollment form and submit it with the appropriate documents at the Aadhar center.
  3. Submit the record of your biometrics, fingerprints for all 10 fingers and scan of both Irises at the Aadhar center. Your photograph will also be taken by the staff on the appointment.

While reapplying for Aadhar, ensure that none of the mistakes are repeated that occurred the first time your application got rejected. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Make sure your application form is neat and the handwriting is clear and readable.
  • Fill out the form in capital letters or uppercases.
  • Be assured that your biometric data has been correctly recorded in the UIDAI database.
  • Confirm the validity of the documents you are submitting with your application with the Aadhar center officials.

Checking the status of your Aadhar Enrollment:

After the application for your Aadhar has been submitted, you will be provided with an acknowledgement slip at the Aadhar center itself. The details of your enrollment like the date and time of your enrollment, your photograph and the enrollment number will be present on the acknowledgement slip. You are advised to keep the acknowledgement slip secured and accessible as it is needed to check the status of your Aadhar application.

When you have reapplied, you will need to follow the same procedure again to check Aadhar status online. After your verification is complete and successful, you will be assigned with an Aadhar number. Then you can download the E-Aadhar or receive the Aadhar details on your mobile phone before the original Aadhar card is delivered to your address by post.

It can be said that the Aadhar card is the most simplified identity document by the government and also very convenient as most of its services can be availed online. The Aadhar number is essential in availing banking facilities and gaining governmental benefits, hence assure that the details you are providing in your application for Aadhar are errorless and precise.

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